Welcome to the
District Grand Council of Warwickshire
I extend to you all a very warm welcome to the website of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of England and Wales and its Districts and Councils Overseas, in the District of Warwickshire.
This most enlightening of Masonic Orders, sometimes referred to as the Cryptic Degree, was founded in England in 1873 and comprises of four Degrees, each adding richness to our Masonic knowledge and each containing lessons appropriate to our daily lives.
These Ceremonies which bridge the gap between the Mark Degree and the Holy Royal Arch refer to the steps taken by King Solomon to safeguard the treasures of his Temple at Jerusalem, by building a secret underground vault in which they could be hidden in times of trouble.
If you would like to know more and are a Master Mason, as well as a Companion of the Holy Royal Arch and a Mark Master Mason please contact our District Recorder, Illustrious Companion Paul Fernandez-Montes who will be pleased to help you.
R.Ill.Comp. Peter J. Wellings, District Grand Master
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