Royal & Select Masters, District Grand Council of Warwickshire

District Grand Council of Warwickshire

Royal & Select Masters

Warwickshire Council – Welcoming a New Member

On a cold and frosty Saturday in January, a new member was welcomed into Warwickshire Council 148 – Bro Dan Boulstridge was Selected into the Council. The ceremony was expertly and efficiently conducted by the Thrice Illustrious Master, Ill Comp Nigel Clemson, with great support from the District Officers.  Pictured below are Comp Kevin Kane-Brooks, […]

Warwickshire Annual Meeting 2024

The annual meeting of Warwickshire District Royal & Select Masters took place on Saturday 2nd November once again at Arnold House, the Rugby Masonic Centre.  Although it was a cool day outside, our District Grand Master R Ill Comp Peter Wellings made sure the atmosphere was happy and welcoming during the meeting and at the […]

Beauchamp Council – Installation and Silver Trowel

Beauchamp Council Installation meeting at Guy’s Cliffe was well attended, and saw Ill Comp John Hill installed as Thrice Illustrious Master, by Ill Comp Richard Ainsworth, Immediate Past T.I.M., in the absence of Ill Comp David Stanford, T.I.M.  Prior to the Installation, Comp Hardip Ubhi received the degree of Most Excellent Master, conducted entirely by Ill Comp Richard Ainsworth.  R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, District Grand Master, congratulated Ill Comp Richard on having undertaken both ceremonies, and also congratulated Comp Hardip Ubhi on completing his third ceremony. 

Warwickshire Annual District Meeting 2023 Feedback

Following the article summarising our annual meeting on 4th November, Chris Denley, District Grand Recorder, has received numerous responses from our visitors from other Districts. Congratulations throughout responses are congratulations to Peter Stokes on his appointment as District PCW, and to the new DCs team, so well done to David Ursell. From the District of […]

Royal & Select Masters Sesquicentenary Celebrations

Tuesday 3rd October saw the Grand Temple at Great Queen Street packed with over 800 members of the Order of Royal and Select Masters, literally from all over the world.  This has been described as a ‘Once in a Generation Celebration of Cryptic Freemasonry’ – the 150th (Sesquicentenary) of the formation of the R&SM Grand Council.

PGM becomes TIM at Wretham

The October meeting of Wretham Council saw the very well attended Installation of Comp Kevin Spencer as Thrice Illustrious Master.

Vesey Council 227 – NTM oversees an Action Packed Meeting

The last Vesey Council meeting of 2023 took place on 30th August, when Thrice Illustrious Master NTM organised and delegated a very enjoyable meeting with Royal Master and Most Excellent Master ceremonies and the elections for 2024. 

R&SM Warwickshire District Annual Sunday Lunch

The Warwickshire District Sunday Lunch has been a firm favourite with Companions and their families since its inception by Past District Grand Master David Rawlins. It is held towards the end of September, and often enjoys good weather to appreciate the surrounding countryside.