The retiring District Grand Master, Right Illustrious Companion David Rawlins, attended the October meeting of Edgbaston Council 285, which saw the Installation of Ill.Comp. Richard Jaffa as Thrice Illustrious Master. This was David’s last meeting as DGM before his retirement at midnight on 5th November 2021.
The Installation ceremony was beautifully performed by the District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work Designate, Ill.Comp. Chris Rogers, in his capacity as Immediate Past TIM following the sad loss of the much-loved incumbent, Ill.Comp. Dr. Sam Williams, at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. David assisted with the ceremony, giving the Traditional History in the Inner Working. Ill.Comp Philip Wills (Mark Provincial Grand Master) stood in as Deputy Master due to the unavoidable absence of Comp. Paul Mason, Ill.Comp Philip Gough (Royal Arch Deputy Grand Superintendent) was Director of Ceremonies, Ill.Comp. David Macey (Craft Past Provincial Grand Master) acted as Steward for the Inner Working and Ill.Comp. Peter Wellings (District Grand Master Designate) acted as Recorder for the meeting.
At the festive board following the meeting the Toast to the District Grand Master noted that this was his final meeting in that capacity, with thanks for his leadership over so many years and all very best wishes for a long and happy retirement. David responded by stating what an enjoyable experience it had been, made more so by the wonderful support of so many Companions during his term of Office.