The Installation in Edgbaston Council saw well known Companion Paul Mason, Provincial Grand Almoner in the Mark Degree, installed as Thrice Illustrious Master in a well-attended meeting at the Yenton Rooms. The retiring Thrice illustrious Master, Ill Comp Richard Jaffa, installed the new T.I.M. with the almost entire Provincial Executive present together with a good number of visitors.
Ill Comp Paul Harrison, Deputy District Grand Master, acted in place of the incoming Deputy Master, Comp Peter Clarke, who was engaged on other masonic business, Ill Comp Chris Rogers, District Principal Conductor of the Work, assisted throughout the meeting in the capacity of Steward. Following the ceremony, our District Grand Master, R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, commented on a delightful ceremony and congratulated all concerned. Being a member of this Council, the DGM went on to propose a new candidate, and was delighted to hear of a further candidate also being proposed.
The DGM congratulated all those who had received Grand Rank at the recent Investiture at Grand Council in London, several of whom were present at the meeting.
Pictured accompanying the District Grand Master are Ill Comps Paul Harrison, Paul Mason, T.I.M., Richard Jaffa, Installing T.I.M, John Hayward, P.C.W. and Ill Comp David Ursell, Acting as District Director of Ceremonies.