Finally, after three years in the Thrice Illustrious Master’s chair, Ill Comp David Ursell was able to install Ill Comp Eric Rymer as his successor in an impeccable ceremony. The Installation meeting of St Martin’s Council 252 at Severn Street, saw Ill Comp Eric installed as Thrice Illustrious Master, with Ill Comp David Ore taking the chair of Deputy Master, and Comp Michael Baxendale becoming Principal Conductor of the Work. During the installation ceremony, Ill Comp Paul Harrison, Deputy District Grand Master occupied the Deputy Master’s chair. Following the ceremony, the District Grand Master, R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, congratulated Ill Comp David Ursell on a splendid ceremony, and wished E Comp Eric Rymer a happy year in the chair, and a successful period for the Council.
Pictured above are David Ursell, David Ore, Eric Rymer, Michael Baxendale and Peter Wellings.
Ill Comp Eric Rymer is well known in other masonic orders, being the Provincial Grand Master in the Mark Degree in Worcestershire, and a former Assistant Provincial Grand Master in the Craft in Warwickshire.
After investing his new team of Officers, Ill Comp Eric was pleased to receive a deputation of members from the Phipps Dorman Council 32, headed by Ill Comp Peter Stokes, T.I.M., who presented the Travelling Trowel with a request to pass it on to another Council when convenient to do so. The Travelling Trowel travels around the Warwickshire Councils to encourage visiting between councils. It was highly successful in this case, as can be seen by the photograph below, with the Trowel being presented to St Martin’s, by numerous members of Phipps Dorman Council. Long may it continue its journey.