After completing his year as Thrice Illustrious Master of St Martin’s Council, Ill Comp Eric Rymer installed Ill Comp David Ore as his successor in a short but expertly conducted ceremony. Ill Comp David, having been Thrice Illustrious Master for the Phipps Dorman Council on two separate occasions, was inducted into the chair in fine form.
Ill Comp Chris Rogers, District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, was pleased to preside in the absence of both the District Grand Master and the Deputy District Grand Master.
After investing his team of Officers, commencing with Comp Mike Baxendale who was appointed in his absence as Deputy Master, and Ill Comp Dennis Potter invested as Principal Conductor of the Work, the newly invested T.I.M. swiftly dealt with the remaining business of the Council.

Pictured above are: Ill Comp Chris Rogers, District P.C.W., Ill Comp David Ore, T.I.M., and Ill Comp Eric Rymer, I.P.T.I.M.
In his response to the Toast to the District, Ill Comp Chris Rogers stated that this was likely to be his last ‘Presiding’ duty before his term in office is completed in November. He expressed his great delight in holding the post, and explained that he had now been in Acting Office, primarily in the Craft, for the last 15 years, and had thoroughly enjoyed every minute. He received loud acclaim in conclusion, but we will not be too surprised if Chris reappears in a different guise.
The meeting was well supported by District Officers, including Ill Comp Richard Barker, District Grand Treasurer, Ill Comp Chris Denley, District Grand Recorder, Ill Comp Peter Stokes, District Grand Director of Ceremonies, Ill Comp John Handley, District Grand Lecturer and Ill Comp John Hayward, District Asst Grand Recorder.
St Martin’s Council are keen to recruit Candidates and Joining Members to boost their depleted numbers.