Comps Adrian Middleton (Steward) and Roger Cook (Manciple) were candidates at their own Vesey Council 227 to receive their Super Excellent Degree at the Council’s July meeting, attended by the District Grand Master R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, the Deputy DGM Ill Comp Paul Harrison and other members of the District team, with Ill Comp Peter Stokes, DistGDC acting as DC for the Council.
The ceremony was beautifully delivered by Ill Comp David Evans, on behalf of the TIM Ill Comp David Whitehead, IPTIM Ill Comp James Freakley standing in as PCW, with choreography of the tribal banner presentation by Peter Stokes. The DistGM congratulated both candidates on having completed their journey through the Cryptic Degrees and now being in possession of all the pieces which made up the jigsaw puzzle of the wonderful masonic interpretation of the building of King Solomon’s Temples, connecting the Craft, Mark and Royal Arch in such a meaningful manner.
Comp Jonathon Barton had been scheduled to receive the Royal Master Degree, but having succeeded with his application to assist with the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham was congratulated in his absence on his engagement with duties there.
So why the Four Spoons? Visit the Council to find out!