The December meeting of Edgbaston Council 285 saw two candidates, W Bros Richard Freakley and Tony Newby join the Council, both of whom were chosen in the Select Master and honoured in the Royal Master degrees. The Thrice Illustrious Master, Ill Comp Paul Mason led a team consisting of various visiting Ill Comps including Deputy DGM Paul Harrison as Deputy Master, Richard Ainsworth as Principal Conductor of the Work and Paul Fernandez-Montes as Captain of the Guard, all of whom he warmly thanked.
R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, District Grand Master, welcomed both candidates into the Order and congratulated the team players on the splendid manner in which they had conducted the ceremonies. He also thanked the several District officers who had supported the meeting.
Comp David Richards was elected as a joining member and W Bro Malcolm Noy as a candidate for reception.
The Council also voted to make a donation to the Mark 150th Anniversary Keystone Fund, being the first in the District to do so, which will entitle the TIM to wear a Keystone Jewel appended to a crimson ribbon.
Pictured are Paul Fernandez-Montes, Paul Harrison, Richard Freakley, Paul Mason, Richard Ainsworth, Phil Wills (CofC) and David Ursell (DistDepGDC)