On the last day of August, a remarkably well attended meeting of Vesey Council saw the Royal Master and Most Excellent Master ceremonies undertaken for Comp Jon Barton, expertly handled by Thrice Illustrious Master Ill Comp David Whitehead. As a regular visitor, Ill Comp Hosey Davoudian of Warwickshire Council No 148 acted as Principal Conductor of the work for the evening, and undertook the perambulations around the Ark of the Covenant in the Royal Master ceremony with impeccable timing and delivery. For the Most Excellent Ceremony, R Ill Comp David Rawlins, PastDGM, was invited to take the chair, and conducted a superb demonstration of the Most Excellent Master ceremony. Ill Comp Paul Harrison, DeputyDGM, congratulated Comp Jon Barton and all concerned on two excellent ceremonies.
Following the ceremonies, T.I.M. David Whitehead was pleased to receive a deputation of members from the St Martin’s Council 252, headed by Ill Comp Eric Rymer, T.I.M., who presented the Travelling Trowel with a request to pass it on to another Council when convenient to do so. The Travelling Trowel travels around the Warwickshire Councils to encourage visiting between councils. It was highly successful in this case, as can be seen by the photograph below, with the Trowel being presented to Vesey Council, by numerous members of St Martin’s Council. Long may it continue its journey.