Victoria Council have been meeting in Leamington Spa for the past 26 years, but sadly due to bereavements, resignations and also the pandemic, have held their final meeting on Friday 28th July.
The members of the Council, reduced to very few in number, were assisted with District Officers filling all vacant Offices for the meeting, including Ill Comp Paul Harrison, Deputy DGM, acting as Principal Conductor of the Work. Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montes acted as Thrice Illustrious Master in place of Ill Comp Graham Venn who was away for a long-planned visit to Japan.
After dealing with the business of closure and the final accounts, the District Grand Master, R Ill Comp Peter Wellings addressed the Council. The DGM reminded all present that although it was sad to lose a Council, we should recall and celebrate all the happy occasions which had taken place in the last 26 years. He was pleased to note that all the remaining members were moving to other Councils within the District. He wished them all well and looked forward to meeting with them all on future occasions.
The records show that since the Council was consecrated, there have been 62 members, which will equate to around 248 ceremonies, and 79 meetings, of which 24 will have been Installations.
At the closing of the Council, the Warrant, records and effects of the Council were presented to the District Grand Master, who will, subject to approval by the Grand Master, place the Council into Abeyance.
Pictured above, after the closure, are Ill Comp Trevor Sturt, Deputy Master, R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, District Grand Master, Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montes, Recorder acting as Thrice Illustrious Master, Ill Comp Paul Harrison, Deputy District Grand Master, acting as Principal Conductor of the Work.