Victoria Council, meeting in Leamington Spa, held their first meeting for a full two years, and managed with some assistance from several members of the District team to hold their delayed Installation, and a demonstration of the Most Excellent Master ceremony.
Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montez, was proclaimed as Thrice Illustrious Master, and reappointed the majority of his existing Officers. Ill Comp John Handley, PAGDC, District Grand Lecturer, acted as Deputy Master, with Ill Comp Paul Regan, PGStdB, Principal Conductor of the Work, continuing in that office, instead of moving to his new post as Treasurer.
The ceremony of Most Excellent Master had been intended to be the next degree for the Council’s recent new member, but illness having prevented his presence, none other than the District Principal Conductor of the Work, Ill Comp Chris Rogers, acted as Candidate. This worked out well, with assistance from Ill Comp Peter Stokes, PAGDC, the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, and Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montez, TIM, commented that he was grateful for the practice in preparation for the next meeting, when he hopes to perform the ceremony as intended.
Ill Comp Paul Harrison, PGCondC, Deputy District Grand Master, thanked the TIM and Companions of Victoria Council for the efforts they were making to secure new members, and assured them of the full support of the District. He also extended the greetings of R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, District Grand Master, who was abroad on business.
A very pleasant meeting was enjoyed by all present.
Pictured left to right are John Handley, Paul Harrison, Paul Fernandez-Montes, Chris Rogers, Paul Regan.