Warwickshire Council, gave a helping hand to Wretham Council, by performing the Royal Master ceremony for Comp David M Clarke, who was also the District’s Zipwire representative in March. Ill Comp Chris Rogers, District P.C.W. presided in the arranged absence of the District Grand Master and the Deputy District Grand Master.
Comp David Clark was received into the Order in January, experienced a memorable ceremony, led expertly by Ill Comp Hosey Davoudian as acting T.I.M. Ill Comp Nigel Clemson, P.C.W., took David through the oration in a very memorable manner. The Council was well supported by members of Wretham Council and District Officers. Ill Comp John Handley, District Grand Lecturer, acted as Chaplain and I.P.T.I.M., and Ill Comp Richard Barker, District Grand Treasurer, as Captain of the Guard. Ill Comp Peter Stokes, the District Grand Director of Ceremonies, acted as Director of Ceremonies throughout the meeting with Ill Comp John Hayward, District Assistant Grand Recorder, acting initially as Deputy Master and as P.C.W. at a later stage.
Unfortunately, Ill Comp Reg Willsher, who was due to be installed as T.I.M. at the meeting, had been taken ill earlier in the week, and in his place the present T.I.M., Ill Comp Fred Hughes was proclaimed for a further year. With a number of members missing due to other events clashing with the meeting, the Installation was short, but enjoyable and an early lunch followed. Ill Comp Chris Rogers congratulated all concerned for the expertise with which the meeting was conducted, and welcomed Comp David Clarke having completed the Royal Master ceremony, and reminded him that there were two other ceremonies to come.
It is understood that after a spell in hospital, Ill Comp Reg Willsher is now at home and recovering well, albeit slowly.
Pictured below is Comp David Clarke, with his proposer Ill Comp Chris Denley, District Grand Recorder who proposed David into Wretham Council.

Pictured below are Ill Comps Chris Denley, John Handley, Nigel Clemson, Comp David Clarke, Ill Comps Fred Hughes, Chris Rogers, District PCW, John Hayward, Richard Barker and Peter Stokes.