On a cold and frosty Saturday in January, a new member was welcomed into Warwickshire Council 148 – Bro Dan Boulstridge was Selected into the Council.
The ceremony was expertly and efficiently conducted by the Thrice Illustrious Master, Ill Comp Nigel Clemson, with great support from the District Officers.
Pictured below are Comp Kevin Kane-Brooks, Deputy Master, Ill Comp Nigel Clemson, T.I.M., Comp Dan Boulstridge and Ill Comp Reg Willsher, P.C.W.

Comp Kevin Kane-Brooks, Deputy Master was also elected as T.I.M. for the year ahead, and will be installed at the April meeting.
The Province was there in force, headed by R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, D.G.M., Ill Comp Peter Stokes, Deputy D.G.M., Ill Comp Chris Denley, District P.C.W., Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montes, District Recorder, and Ill Comp Hosey Davoudian, District A.G.D.C.
All can be seen in the photograph below.

With thanks to Peter Stokes for the notes and photographs.