Beauchamp Council – Installation and Silver Trowel
Beauchamp Council Installation meeting at Guy’s Cliffe was well attended, and saw Ill Comp John Hill installed as Thrice Illustrious Master, by Ill Comp Richard Ainsworth, Immediate Past T.I.M., in the absence of Ill Comp David Stanford, T.I.M. Prior to the Installation, Comp Hardip Ubhi received the degree of Most Excellent Master, conducted entirely by Ill Comp Richard Ainsworth. R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, District Grand Master, congratulated Ill Comp Richard on having undertaken both ceremonies, and also congratulated Comp Hardip Ubhi on completing his third ceremony.
Pictured below with the DGM after the ceremonies are Ill Comp Graham Masefield, Deputy Master, Ill Comp John Hill, T.I.M., Ill Comp Richard Ainsworth, Installing Master, Ill Comp David Ursell, standing in as P.C.W., and Comp Hardip Ubhi, now invested as a Manciple. The appointed P.C.W., Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montez was unable to be present, but will be invested at the next meeting.
Following the ceremonies, Ill Comp Kevin Spencer, T.I.M. of Wretham Council, accompanied by Ill Comp John Handley, presented the Travelling Trowel to Beauchamp Council, giving a full explanation of the history and purpose of the Trowel in encouraging visits between Councils.
During the Installation, Ill Comp Paul Harrison, Deputy DGM, acted as Deputy Master, and afterwards gave a summary of the Sesquicentenary appeal, and progress being made towards the Warwickshire contribution of the £150,000 overall target set by Grand Council.
Pictured with our DGM, are Ill Comp John Handley, Ill Comp Kevin Spencer presenting the Trowel to Ill Comp John Hill, with the other members of the Beauchamp team.
There followed a very pleasant Festive Board, rounding off a highly successful evening’s variety of ceremonies. In the response to his toast, the District Grand Master highlighted activities in the District and congratulated those members due to receive Grand Ranks at the April annual meeting of the Grand Council.