Royal & Select Masters, District Grand Council of Warwickshire

District Grand Council of Warwickshire

Royal & Select Masters

Beauchamp Council – Installation and Silver Trowel

Pictured below with the DGM after the ceremonies are Ill Comp Graham Masefield, Deputy Master, Ill Comp John Hill, T.I.M., Ill Comp Richard Ainsworth, Installing Master, Ill Comp David Ursell, standing in as P.C.W., and Comp Hardip Ubhi, now invested as a Manciple.  The appointed P.C.W., Ill Comp Paul Fernandez-Montez was unable to be present, but will be invested at the next meeting.

News & Updates

The annual meeting of Warwickshire District Royal & Select Masters took place on Saturday 2nd November once again at Arnold House, the Rugby Masonic Centre.  Although it was a cool day outside, our District Grand Master R Ill Comp Peter Wellings made sure the atmosphere was happy and welcoming during the meeting and at the Festive Board.


As is regularly the case, a well attended meeting welcomed at least seventeen District Grand Masters and members of twenty one Districts to the Rugby Masonic Hall, together with members of all of our Warwickshire Councils.  Visiting distinguished guests were welcomed individually and thanked for attending. The visiting District Grand Masters are shown below

Having dealt with the regular business required at an annual meeting, the District Grand Master proceeded to appoint his Officers for the year ahead.  First was Ill Comp Peter Stokes, who had served just a year as District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, who was promoted to and invested as Deputy District Grand Master.  Ill Comp Christopher Denley, who has served as District Grand Recorder for the past five years, was invested as District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work.

Pictured below are the District Grand Master, R Ill Comp Peter Wellings, with Ill Comp Peter Stokes, Deputy District Grand Master, and on the right, Ill Comp Chris Denley, District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work.

Newly appointed and re-appointed Officers and promotions were then announced and invested.   Silver Trowel certificates were then presented to a number of Companions.

In his address to the meeting, the District Grand Master explained that he had enjoyed a further highly enjoyable year, and had continued with visits to numerous Districts across the country, and of course to the Councils in the District on many occasions.  He again thanked those who had come from far and wide to support him at this meeting. 

The District Grand Master thanked his outgoing Officers for their support during the year, and for all that had been achieved during the year.  He explained how very pleased he had been with the response to the Grand Council Sesquicentenary appeal, and how delighted he had been with very significant donations from the Craft and Royal Arch, the Mark Degree, and the Operatives Order, all of which will result in a grand total contribution from Warwickshire of some £15,000. 

The DGM paid special tribute to Ill Comp Paul Harrison, who had retired as Deputy District Grand Master after three years in that office, three years as District Grand Principal Conductor of the Work, and four years as District Grand Director of Ceremonies.  The DGM thanked Ill Comp Paul for all his work over that ten year period, and wished him well and a rapid recovery from his current health problems.

A collection of £500 plus gift aid will be donated to the Sesquicentenary appeal. 

The District Grand Master retired in procession, the commencement of which is shown below.

Following the meeting, a very pleasant lunch ensued, at which the District Grand Master’s health was proposed in a toast presented by Ill Comp Peter Stokes, Deputy District Grand Master.

Next year’s Annual District Meeting will take place on Saturday 1st November 2025, and the traditional District Sunday Lunch will be held on 21st September 2025.

Article & Photographs by Ill Comp John Hayward.