Royal & Select Masters, District Grand Council of Warwickshire

District Grand Council of Warwickshire

Royal & Select Masters

The District of Warwickshire now has its own Relief Chest, held as usual within the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF). Many of you will already be very familiar with the operation of a Relief Chest, as many of our Lodges and Chapters already operate their own to handle their donations to charity.
A Relief Chest is a charitable account, which is owned collectively by a group of Freemasons, such as a Lodge, Chapter or Province. Donations made by Council members are collected and held securely in the Relief Chest, until sufficient is available to distribute them to registered charities, local worthy
causes, festivals and those in need within our members.
Funds donated attract gift aid for those members eligible to claim. At present, Gift Aid adds a further 25% to the contributions made by the Council members.

The documents linked below provide a more detailed explanation, guidance on how the Gift Aid envelopes should be used and a form for tracking and verifying the donations.

RSM Relief Chest Explanation

Gift Aid Envelopes Guidance

Gift Aid Verification Form (editable PDF)