Royal & Select Masters, District Grand Council of Warwickshire

District Grand Council of Warwickshire

Royal & Select Masters

St Martin’s Council Installation – July 2023

After completing his year as Thrice Illustrious Master of St Martin’s Council, Ill Comp Eric Rymer installed Ill Comp David Ore as his successor in a short but expertly conducted ceremony. Ill Comp David, having been Thrice Illustrious Master for the Phipps Dorman Council on two separate occasions, was inducted into the chair in fine form.

Candidate plus Masonic Goodies and Baddies for Vesey 227

At Vesey Council’s July meeting, attended by the District Grand Master and other District Officers, the Select degree was conferred on W Bro Neil Harrison by Deputy Master David Evans, with the history of the degree being delivered by past District Grand Master David Rawlins.

Candidate and Trowel for Wretham 188

Wretham Council’s July meeting, which was attended by the District Grand Master and several other District Officers, saw both the introduction of a new candidate, Bro Andrew Davis, and receipt of the District Travelling Trowel. TIM John Handley was assisted during the ceremonies by Ill Comps Hosey Davoudian, with the Deputy Master Kevin Spencer conferring the Royal degree.

Poetic Inspiration from Beauchamp 182

The June meeting of Beauchamp Council, held at Guy’s Cliffe, was attended by nearly 30 Companions, who enjoyed seeing the Select and Royal ceremonies conferred upon W Bro Hardip Ubhi. TIM David Stanford conducted the ceremonies throughout, with Deputy Master John Hill acting as PCW for the Royal degree.

Vesey Council 227 – NTM Takes the Class of 2023

On a sunny day towards the end of May, a very well attended meeting of Vesey Council saw Ill Comp David Whitehead install the universally known and everyone’s favourite school teacher, Ill Comp Nicholas Malden as Thrice Illustrious Master.

Edgbaston Council – Select Ceremony & Installation 2023

The May meeting of Edgbaston Council saw a new member chosen as a Select Master, and the Installation of our new Thrice Illustrious Master, both ceremonies being impeccably undertaken by the retiring TIM, Ill Comp Paul Mason, after a highly successful year in the chair.

Warwickshire Council – A Helping Hand for Wretham Council

Warwickshire Council, gave a helping hand to Wretham Council, by performing the Royal Master ceremony for Comp David M Clarke, who was also the District’s Zipwire representative in March. Ill Comp Chris Rogers, District P.C.W. presided in the arranged absence of the District Grand Master and the Deputy District Grand Master.

Grafton Council Defies Railway Disruption

Grafton Council of Anointed Kings No. 16 shrugged off concerns about the railway strikes taking place the day before and after their February meeting at Mark Masons Hall, with a splendid turnout for the various schedules taking place.